We hope you will continue to use Core, please contact us if you have questions or issues. But if you are ready to uninstall Core, here are the steps you need to take.
If Core isn’t for you, or if your hard drive is crying for space and Core is one of your tragic sacrifices in the name of more bytes, there are a number of ways of uninstalling it.
Here are few ways you can uninstall Core:
To Uninstall Core from your machine:
Locate the CoreLauncherInstaller.exe program bundled in with the Core program and open it. You can also locate this file by searching for it in a number of ways:
Type the name of a document (or a keyword from it) into the search box on the taskbar. You'll see results for documents across your PC and OneDrive
Or, you may simply click the Start button and begin typing in CoreLauncherInstaller.
After launching CoreLauncherInstaller.exe, if Core is currently installed, your launcher should appear like this:
Click "Uninstall" and complete the steps that follow to complete the uninstall process. Please note that this only removes the Core Launcher itself - if you’re needing to remove alll Core data, you’ll need to perform the following:
- Locate the "CORE" folder on your PC located at C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ (where "Users" and "User" are unique to your PC). Or, simply search for it via the methods outlined above.
- Delete the "CORE" folder and all of its contents.
Warning: this WILL DELETE ALL of your projects, templates, and other content. They will no longer be available to you if you’d like to give Core another go, as they are stored on your PC prior to uploading to Core.
If you think you may return to Core in the future, we recommend copying the CORE folder to another storage device (a USB Drive, Google Drive, etc) for backup prior to deleting the folder from your hard drive.